Earlier this month, Consumer Reports found in its testing that the Galaxy S7 active failed their water-resistance test. For a phone that features an IP68 certification, this obviously should not have happened. Samsung was quick to respond and said back then that it is looking into the matter.
Today, the company has issued another statement on this matter. It says that the Galaxy S7 active has passed rigorous testing to earn its IP68 certification for water resistance, and the company stands behind this certification and will replace any S7 active that is water damaged and under warranty. In its testing, Consumer Reports found that the Galaxy S7 active did not survive its water resistance test. It repeated the test with another unit, but that also failed to pass the test. It is likely that the handsets in questions were from a faulty batch or the S7 active is not impervious to water damage as the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge, which passed Consumer Reports’ water resistance test with flying colors. Samsung stands behind this water resistance certification, and will replace any Galaxy S7 active under its standard limited warranty, should water damage occur.