With the Galaxy S8, Samsung was among the first companies to launch a flagship smartphone featuring minimal bezels. With the Galaxy S9, Samsung managed to reduce the bezels on its flagship handset by just a small margin for an overall screen-to-body ratio of 84 percent. However, since the release of the Galaxy S8 in 2017, many phones have launched that feature even thinner bezels, including Apple’s own iPhone X.
Now, with the Galaxy S10, it looks like Samsung is looking to change things again. As per reliable leaker @IceUniverse, the Galaxy S10 will feature a “greatly improved” screen to body ratio. His tweet does not contain any other details so one would have to speculate as to what changes Samsung is going to make on its next flagship handset to make the bezels even smaller.
— Ice universe (@UniverseIce) July 20, 2018 It is likely that we will see Samsung take a hint from Apple’s iPhone X and remove the bottom chin from the Galaxy S10. The company can do this by moving the OLED touch controller to the back of the panel instead of the bottom. While an expensive process, it will allow the company to get rid of the bottom bezel completely. There’s no word if Samsung will also adopt the notch with the Galaxy S10 next year. Doing so will allow the company to further improve the screen to body ratio of its flagship handset but given how it had previously mocked Apple for the same, I’d say the chances of that happening are slim. Do you think Samsung will go the Vivo way and include a pop-out camera on the Galaxy S10 to improve its overall screen to body ratio? Or do you want the company to adopt the notch for its flagship handset of 2019? Drop a comment and let us know!