Samsung has just announced a curious new Galaxy over in Brazil: The Galaxy S II TV. You’d think with a name like that it would share similar specs to the 2011 flagship, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The screen is smaller (4.0 inches versus 4.3 inches), the camera is weaker (5 MP versus 8 MP), the processor is a bit slower (1 GHz versus 1.2 GHz), but obviously the most interesting part is the “TV” support.
Over in Brazil, and many other countries in South America, they use ISDB-T to transmit television signals. Samsung has essentially stuck an ISDB-T receiver inside this phone and put it on the market. There’s even an antenna that you can pull out the bottom to improve reception. Will this thing be sold in other countries? If they have ISDB-T, then sure, but don’t expect this to come to places that use different transmission technologies. That should be obvious, but I’m just pointing that out.