At IFA, Samsung unveiled perhaps one of the most interesting device of this year — the Galaxy Note Edge. The phablet has a unique display which curves to its right edge and can act completely independent of its primary 5.5-inch display. Samsung had already announced that the Note Edge will be available in limited markets. Now, the company’s president, D J Lee, has revealed to ZDNet Korea that the Note Edge will be a “limited edition concept” product, and thus will only be available in limited numbers and in limited markets. Lee also revealed that the Note Edge will go on sale in the company’s home market, South Korea, next month and will then be gradually rolled out to selected markets around the globe in limited numbers. Surprisingly, even with its ‘concept’ tag, the phablet will be making its way to all the four major carriers in the United States later this year. Are you eagerly waiting to get your hands on the Note Edge? If yes, why? Drop in a comment and let us know.