Samsung’s latest Galaxy, the Note 7, has gone on sale in the United States and a few other countries today after being on pre-orders for a couple of weeks now. In the United States, the Galaxy Note 7 is available for purchase through all major carriers including Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, and US Cellular.

All carriers had been accepting pre-orders for the handset since August 2nd itself that also included some freebies like a 256GB microSD card or a GearFit 2. In case you did not pre-order the handset, you can grab it from your nearest carrier store with the pre-order bundle offer. In addition to the United States, the Note 7 is also available for purchase in Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, the UAE, and South Korea. The handset will be making its way to Europe on September 2nd, though most retailers are already accepting pre-orders for it. You can find more information about the Note 7’s availability and pricing here. Due to the higher than anticipated demand, the Note 7 seems to be in short supply. So, if you are planning to head to your nearest retailer to get the handset, my recommendation would be to purchase it as soon as possible. And if you have already gotten your hands on the Note 7, do drop in a comment and let us know how your experience has been so far.