Samsung today officially released its latest flagship phablet — the Galaxy Note 4 — in India for Rs. 58,300. The Indian version of the Galaxy Note 4 will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor. Samsung has always released the Exynos variant of its Galaxy S and Note devices in India. However, it looks like the company has made an exception for the Note 4, which is actually a good thing since early reviews suggest that the Exynos variant offers drastically poor battery life. Other specs of the device remain the same as the international variant and include a 5.7-inch QHD AMOLED display, 3GB RAM, 32GB storage space, a microSD card slot, 16MP rear camera with Smart OIS, 3.7MP front-facing camera and a 3220mAh battery. As an introductory offer, Vodafone will be offering 2GB of free 3G data for non-active data users for two months. Weirdly, if you already have an active data pack, you will only be eligible for 1GB of free data. The device is expected to hit the retail stores by October 17th.