Rumors have been going back-and-forth about the Galaxy Mega, and whether or not the family line would get a successor just a year after its debut. In May, a device model number riled up attention, and suggested that, indeed, Samsung had a Galaxy Mega 2 headed down the pipeline. Now, several months later, we’ve reportedly got our first look at the device. According to a batch of photos posted to a Chinese-language site recently, these are our first glimpses of what the Galaxy Mega 2 will look like. Unsurprisingly, it will have a huge display. IF you’ll recall, the largest of the two Galaxy Mega devices launched in 2013 had a 6.3-inch display. This device, though, will reportedly feature a screen measuring in at 5.98-inches, which means that Samsung will probably market it as a 6-inch handset.
As far as specifications go, it’s a list of previously rumored bullet points, as the new images didn’t come with much in that particular area:
5.98-inch display, with a resolution of 1280×720
Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor, clocked at 1.2GHz
8GB of built-in storage; 2GB of RAM
Android 4.4 KitKat
microSD card slot
13-megapixel camera on the back
The Galaxy Mega 2 may have a giant display, but that doesn’t make it a high-end handset, at least not when it comes to the detailed specifications. Of course, it should do well enough for anyone who is looking for a handset that offers just that: a huge screen. Unfortunately, no word on a launch date or pricing, but Samsung will probably announce something soon. First, they’ve got the Galaxy Note 4 to launch.