Samsung had just announced a pair of new M-series smartphones for India, both of which share plenty of similarities as the company takes on Xiaomi. On Monday, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy M10 and the Galaxy M20. The handsets feature Samsung’s “Infinity-V” teardrop notch at the top of the display, along with a very small chin at the bottom. Each handset is a mid-range device, even if the battery in the flagship M20 is massive for this sort of phone. The Galaxy M20 (pictured above) features a 6.3-inch display with a resolution of 1080×2340. There is an Exynos 7904 quad-core processor under the hood. There are two variants to choose from: 3GB of RAM and 32GB of built-in storage, or 4GB of RAM and 64GB of built-in storage. The Galaxy M20 also features a 5000mAh battery to keep things going on a daily basis.
Meanwhile, the Galaxy M10 shrinks the display down to 6.22 inches, with a resolution of 720×1520. There is an Exynos 7870 processor, and two variants to choose from. The first has 2GB of RAM and 16GB of built-in storage, while the other offers 3GB of RAM and 32GB of built-in storage. The battery measures in at 3400mAh. Both handsets also feature a fingerprint reader on the back, along with two rear cameras (13MP and 5MP). The handsets also include a headphone jack and a USB-C port for charging. The Galaxy M10 starts at Rs. 7,990, while the Galaxy M20 starts at Rs. 10,990. They will be available in blue and black, and launch in India on February 5.