Samsung today launched its refreshed 2016 lineup of Galaxy A lineup in India. The company had unveiled the three new models under its A lineup — Galaxy A3, Galaxy A5, and Galaxy A7 — towards the end of December in China first. However, for the time being, the company is only launching the Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A7 in India. The former comes with a 5.2-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display, while the Galaxy A7 comes with a 5.5-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display. The Galaxy A7 also features 3GB RAM, a 13MP rear shooter with OIS and f/1.9 aperture, a 5MP selfie shooter and a 3300mAh non-removable battery with fast charging support. The Galaxy A5, on the other hand, features a smaller 2,900mAh non-removable battery and 2GB of RAM. In terms of design, both handsets follow the new design language that Samsung unveiled with the Galaxy S6 last year, which includes a metallic chassis that is squashed between the front and rear glass. Both phones feature an octa-core Exynos chipset, 16GB of internal storage, Samsung Pay support, a microSD card slot, and LTE connectivity. The Galaxy A5 and A7 will go on sale in India from February 15 for Rs. 29,400 and Rs. 33,400, respectively.