Last week, Samsung unveiled the world’s first UFS 1.0 based memory cards that could reach speeds of up to 530MB/s. The company, however, did not provide any details about their compatibility with existing microSD card slots that left many people confused.
Now, responding to an email from Droid-Life, Samsung says that UFS cards are not compatible with existing microSD card slots. However, the company has developed a slot that works with both UFS and microSD cards, and it is currently in process to integrate it into next-generation devices. Considering how popular microSD cards are, it would have been an uphill task for Samsung to get the industry to ditch them and adopt a UFS based card slot. With its new socket design, the company will be able to offer consumers the best of both worlds that will save all the parties involved a lot of headache. It is possible that we will first see this slot make its debut on the Galaxy Note 7 from Samsung that is expected to be unveiled early next month. The timing of the new UFS cards and the slot match perfectly with the Note 7’s unveiling. What do you think?