When Samsung launched the Galaxy S8 earlier this year, it also unveiled a new Gear VR, its VR headset, which supported the handset’s bezel-less display. Now, less than six months later, Samsung has again released a new variant of the Gear VR which is compatible only with the Galaxy Note 8.
The Galaxy Note 8’s Infinity Display is only 0.1-inch bigger than the 6.2-inch QHD+ panel of the Galaxy S8+. Yet, the Gear VR variant that Samsung launched with the Galaxy S8 is not compatible with the Galaxy Note 8. As if this was not already enough, the Galaxy Note 8’s VR headset is also incompatible with the Galaxy S8 and S8+. The new Note 8 compatible Gear VR headset offers the same functionality as the Galaxy S8 one, it just comes with a larger back plate to accommodate the bigger device. While Samsung did not announce anything about Daydream support, it is likely that the Note 8 will also support Google’s Daydream VR platform just like the Galaxy S8 and S8+ do. The new Gear VR headset for the Galaxy Note 8 is already up for pre-order for $129.99. Given how Samsung is having to launch new Gear VR headsets with every new flagship device, it is unlikely that the Note 8’s Gear VR headset will be compatible with next year’s Galaxy S9.