LG’s new G4 may look pretty good with its genuine leather back panels, but the company could be planning a second variant that aims to be even prettier. A new report claims the device, dubbed the “G4 Pro,” could be made out of metal — and could launch later this year. Korean news outlet ET News reports that LG wants to make the new device out of metal mostly to differentiate it from the existing G4, and to provide a slightly more premium look and feel. The report even suggests that the G4 Pro will be used to test the waters with handsets made of metal. If it’s well-received, then future LG devices — like the flagship G series — could also employ metal form factors, which are becoming increasingly popular among smartphone makers, with even Samsung embracing metal with its latest devices. It’s not totally clear how different the G4 Pro will be internally, but it could have a slightly larger, sharper display — perhaps to compete with the Galaxy Note 5 — and possibly the Snapdragon 810 processor, if Qualcomm can solve its overheating issues.