Or will it be the Note 7? One of the many rumors about the next phablet suggests that Samsung will skip ahead in numbers to bring some br consistency. Galaxy S7, S7 ge, Note 7. And there could be a Note 7 ge in there. The most recent leaks from Onaks (Steve Hemmerstoffer), who has begun to rival VentureBeat’s Blass in terms of scoring exclusive images, show a phone that looks like a larger Galaxy S7 ge with the stylus B-C port. It’s unclear right now if that means Samsung will offer two options, say a Note 7 Note 7 ge, or if it’ll be just one phone with the extra curviness. Hemmerstoffer, for his part, thinks it’ll only be one model. There’s also been talk of a “concentration of sensors” above the screen that would support an iris scanner. On the spec front, we should have the usual water resistance, a high-resolution AMOD display, a nearly 4,000mAh battery possibly 6GB(!) of RAM. As we noted previously, a B-C could mean a new Gear VR headset is on the horizon.  — Onaks (@Onaks) ne 3, 2016 Blass others have speculated August 15 as a possible launch date. ’ll have to see if this turns out to be accurate bring something else to think about besides the summer heat. y this matters: After a recent report that the Galaxy Note 5 beat out the ione in customer satisfaction, it’s apparent how big a new Note is for Samsung. The S7 ge is incredibly popular (it was sold out in multiple locations when I went to buy one shortly after launch), the Note line in particular tends to have a devoted following given the unique stylus input. l we need now is to see the thing in the flesh, which could happen before launch given how much we’ve learned already.