A Huawei employee confirmed the company is already working on the device, according to an IBes UK report. If so, it would be the first go at a Nexus phone for Huawei, which would has been steadily trying to build its presence in the U.S. market. The question then is if Huawei is the only partner. Our most recent rumor was that Huawei was working on a 5.7-inch device, with making a 5.2-inch smartphone that would be a follow-up to the popular Nexus 5.  Such a scenario would appeal to a wider variety of buyers than the Nexus 6, which is rather unwieldy given its colossal size. so, a small size reduction to a 5.7-inch phone might make it more attractive ,as it’s the same size as the Galaxy Note 4. This would give buyers a manageable, large-screen phone that runs pure Android. The story behind the story: This partnership makes a lot of sense for both Huawei. has been trying to get its paid ay Store apps onto Chinese Android phones, but hasn’t been able to reach a deal with the Chinese government. Huawei’s U.S. division president, Zhiqiang Xu, told us in an interview the company wants to be among the top three phone makers here. This could be the glitzy product Huawei is looking for.