Much like the new version of Hangouts, the top bar is longer uniform in color. The color palette matches what has worked up with its new design scheme, featuring brighter colors eliminating any background noise. Some animation was also uncovered; Androdid lice has a nice GIF showing the three-line button at the top left transitioning to a back arrow. It appears you can still swipe through each of the sections for apps, music, books, movies/TV. The horizontal line indicating which section you’re in has been thinned out the vertical lines between sections eliminated.  The ay Store has gone through several design iterations ever since it was rebred from Android et. If has settled on its new Material Design, which is supposed to combine a flat look with real-world elements, we may see less radical changes in the future. en digging through the A (which this time is not available for download) the Android lice team found evidence of more control when restoring a device. For example, when setting up a new phone or tablet, you could choose to install a specific set of apps, which would be a very welcome change over the current process. As it sts now, setting up a new device often results in downloading lots of old apps you may have deleted long ago, or which aren’t optimized for your device. From the code, it appears you will be able to pick a specific device profile. So if you were setting up the new Moto X you could choose to install the same app configuration as your current phone, but not the apps you put on your tablet.