Android lice reports that is beefing up its ay Games platform with more goodies, like the ability to notify players about when new quests are available, notifications about when a user has leveled up. This could be hy for all sorts of games that are increasingly being viewed as “services”, with changing goals challenges.  The report also alludes to a feature called “Snapshots” that would help make saving a game easier, possibly by making it simpler for developers to include elements like checkpoints cloud saves. The ay Games platform has been effectively “under construction” for the last year or so, but the features added to it since its launch have been a boon for Android gamers. eviously, only Apple’s iOS offered a portal of sorts where users can hook up play against one another, but ’s built-in A for Android developers makes it an easy plug-in for any game developer. Be sure to follow our I/O coverage this week for more information on Android’s new features.