Before Google made the LG G Pad 8.3 available as a Google Play edition device, there were rumors that the search giant was working on an 8-inch Nexus tablet, with an unknown tablet’s appearance in a Nexus ad fueling speculation on its existence. That was in November, and after two months of silence on the matter, a report is now suggesting that the Nexus 8 could arrive in April. “Taiwan-based supply chain makers” talking to Digitimes claim that the Nexus 8 will be launched at the end of the April, with initial shipments to be around two million. According to the publication’s sources, the Nexus 7 didn’t do too well in the market, with sales reaching only around “three million units as of the end of 2013,” due to heavy competition in the 7-inch tablet segment and the emergence of phablets. That, apparently, made Google decide it needs to start focusing on the 8-inch market, with ASUS once again given the honor of manufacturing the hardware. Now, before you get excited about the Nexus 8, you should keep in mind that Digitimes has a rather poor track record of accuracy. I would personally love an 8-inch Nexus since I don’t believe 7-inch tablets are big enough to serve as actual tablets, but it’s best to take all rumors surrounding the device with the proverbial grain of salt until some concrete evidence rears its face in the future. What do you think? Does the idea of a Nexus 8 appeal to you, or is 7-inch the sweet spot for your tablet needs?