Earlier this year, Qualcomm announced its new 700 series of Snapdragon chipset which sits between its mid-range Snapdragon 600 series and more premium and powerful Snapdragon 800 series of chipsets. Back then, the company did not provide much details about the lineup except for stating that it was meant for use in premium mid-range Android devices.
Today, the company has unveiled the Snapdragon 710 chipset, the first product in its Snapdragon 700 series lineup. The chipset is almost as powerful as the Snapdragon 845 found inside the likes of the Galaxy S9 and OnePlus 6 but cuts corners in some regards. Compared to its Snapdragon 660 chipset though, the Snapdragon 710 is a major upgrade in almost every department.
For starters, the chipset features Qualcomm’s custom Kyro 360 cores. Two of them are running in high-performance mode and can reach speeds of up to 2.2GHz, while the other six Kyro 360 cores are running at 1.7GHz and meant to be used for light tasks. The graphics department is handled by an Adreno 616 GPU. It also has an X15 LTE modem which might not be capable of reaching gigabit LTE speeds but its still faster than the X12 modem found inside the Snapdragon 660 with download speeds peaking at 800Mbps. The Spectra 250 ISP is also a slight downgrade from the Spectra 280 ISP found in the Snapdragon 845, though it is still capable of doing multi-frame noise reduction.
Other notable features of the Snapdragon 710 includes support for 10-bit color, 4K HDR video playback, Quick Charge 4+ support, and 2x improvements in AI tasks thanks to a multi-core AR engine. Its based on the 10nm fabrication processor and will offer 20 percent performance boost over the Snapdragon 660 while consuming lower power than it. Qualcomm is already shipping the Snapdragon 710 chipset to OEMs and it says we should see the first devices powered by it land later in this quarter.