At IFA earlier this month, Sony unveiled, arguably, two of the most impressive Android devices of 2014 — the Xperia Z3 and the Z3 Compact. Both these handsets are slated to arrive in key markets around the world by the end of this month or by the first week of October. The Compact’s bigger brother — the Xperia Z3 — is also up for pre-order on Carphone Warehouse for only £429, which is again quite a bit lower than what Sony lists the handset for on its website (£549). Sadly, you can only pre-order the handset in Black color. While the first stock of Xperia Z3 Compact are expected to arrive by late September, Carphone Warehouse listing for the Z3 says that the handset will ship by 1st October. If you were on the fence about buying the Xperia Z3 or the Z3 Compact, these pre-order prices should pretty much seal the deal for you.