The Pixel team over at Google took to Reddit last night to answer questions from Redditors about the tablet, its future, Android N, and more. Andrew Bowers, Hiroshi Lockheimer, Glen Murphy, Kevin Tim, Puneet Kumar and Benson Leung from the Pixel, Chrome and Google were the ones who replied to all the questions in the IAmA. Unlike the previous IAmA done at the launch of the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P though, this IAmA was not that interesting. Due to reasons, the Pixel team could not really divulge much information about Android N and answer other similar questions. Nonetheless, below are some highlights from the IAmA: On Pixel C getting updated every six weeks: On why the Pixel C was released before its software was finished as pointed out in its reviews: Again, on the software not taking advantage of the Pixel C: On why the Pixel C lacks double tap to wake and always-on “Ok Google” hotword detection: On the lack of tablet optimised apps for Android tablets: We are working on always-on “Ok Google” support for a future update. On what the ‘C’ in Pixel C stands for: On why the Pixel C was not named as a Nexus product: And that’s about it. The rest of the IAmA is filled with the team promoting the various hardware features of the Pixel. Will you be buying the Pixel C despite Android not being capable enough of taking the full advantage of the powerful hardware at its disposal?