More than six months after Google released Android 4.4 KitKat, the Paranoid Android team has released the first stable build of their ROM based on it. The final release is based on the very latest version of KitKat — Android 4.4.4 — which was only released late last week.

Being a final release, this build is relatively bug free and stable compared to the previous betas and RC releases from the team and includes a number of new features and enhancements. One of the highlights of this build is the new volume panel that has been re-designed to match the aesthetics and functionality of Hover without being too intrusive. Hover has also been updated in this release, especially for tablet users, and will not occupy the whole screen width. Other changes include some fixes to PIE, updates to the Theme Engine, updated Peek engine with better sensor support and more. There are overall bug-fixes and code clean up as well, which should lead to an overall better user experience. You can find the full change-log of the update here while the latest builds can be downloaded from here.