Ever since Google released the KitKat sources in November, the Paranoid Android team has been hard at porting all their features with the neccessary enhancements so that it blends in KitKat. Up until now, the team has released two beta versions of their ROM, based on KitKat, which did not pack in any of their highlighted features. Today, the team has released the third beta of their ROM with a couple of major new additions. The first one is a new boot animation to go in with a major new version of Android — KitKat. The second major feature is Quick Settings 3.0. While most custom ROM nowadays have customizable and flippable quick settings, they are not really user friendly. The Paranoid Android team aims to improve that with Quick Settings 3.0 and an “In the spot” dialog. Below is a quick video of this new feature in action -:
Apart from the above, the new beta only has a few minor bug fixes and new features. Below is the full change-log of the update -:
Quick settings 3.0
Maximize lockscreen widgets
Fix bug with rotation lock tile
Fix network tiles for CDMA devices
Fix graphical glitches on galaxy nexus
Update AOSP dialer icon to Google dialer icon
Separate device encryption password from lockscreen password
Contextual “on-the-spot” preference dialog (first implementation: Quick settings pull down)
AOSP dialer check (removes features that rely on AOSP dialer if Google dialer is installed)
Other AOSP bug fixes
If you are already running beta 1 or 2 of Paranoid Android on your Android device, you can update to the latest beta by simply installing it in recovery. The latest beta can be downloaded from Paranoid Android’s official download page. Keep in mind that the beta does not feature Halo, Per-App DPI or any feature found in the Jelly Bean based builds of Paranoid Android.