Beginning at midnight cific every Tuesday you can order the 16GB Silk ite or 64GB Sstone Black models directly from Oneus, no silly invitations needed. However, if you still like jumping through ridiculous hoops to buy a smartphone, just request an invite the other six days during the week. Oneus said it’s “constantly experimenting” with how to best distribute its phone (also calling its invite system “beloved”), so while there is no indication this is a one-time offer you should probably take advantage of the opportunity if you really want one. y this matters: thought the phone was pretty solid in our review, but since then it’s been an interesting road for Oneus. The company recently built a new custom ROM after a fallout with Cyanogen, apologized for exploding batteries, continues to tweak its sales strategy. It doesn’t give us a ton of confidence, but we’ll have a better gauge on their long-term outlook if Oneus releases a follow-up device builds a more solid version of their custom Android ROM… or just makes it easier for everyday folks to buy one of the phones.