In November last year, OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei had revealed that the company had sold half a million units of the One and was pushing for the million mark before the year end. Now, in an interview with PC World, Carl Pei revealed while OnePlus could not manage to ship a million units of the One in 2014, they reached pretty close to the mark. Towards the end of last year, OnePlus made the One available for purchase without requiring any invite, which should have given its sale a decent boost. Additionally, the company also launched the handset in India where the One was already in high demand despite not being officially available for sale. Carl revealed that the successor to the OnePlus One is nearly six months away from launch. More interestingly though, Pei said that the company is also working on another phone that will focus on design over pure specs. Sadly though, OnePlus intends to continue using the invite system, at least initially, to control their risk. The co-founder also promised on improving the company’s operations and customer service in 2015 by becoming a “lot more professional” in their approach.