Less than a month after revealing that there will not be any successor to the OnePlus X, it looks like the company has silently discontinued the handset. The Never Settle company is sending out emails to customers who had ordered the handset from its online store informing them that the X is out of stock and that it has no plans of replenishing the stock anytime soon.
The handset is currently listed as out of stock on all of OnePlus’ online stores across a variety of regions. The handset has been discontinued by OnePlus after being on sale for just over six months. As a consolation, the company is giving a $10 coupon code with free shipping that can be redeemed from OnePlus’ store against their other handsets and accessories.
For $199, the OnePlus X offered a compact, sleek, and beautiful design, along with relatively powerful though dated internals. In case you are looking for another handset at a similar price point, you can have a look at the Moto G4 and G4 Plus that go on sale in the United States next week. Alternatively, if you are ready to increase your budget, you can have a look at the OnePlus 3 — the latest flagship killer from the Never Settle company that is easily the best handset you cna find inside $400 in the market right now.