OnePlus recently launched its first true wireless earbuds, OnePlus Buds. Until now the companion app for OnePlus Buds supported OnePlus 6 and above. This is going to change as the company is rumoured to be working on a new OnePlus Buds companion app. The new app will not only support older generation OnePlus devices but also Android smartphones from other manufacturers.
Smartphone manufacturers engage in Q&A with customers to gauge their interest in a product or a feature. In one such session, a user asked if they can customize gesture and update OnePlus Buds firmware on other Android devices. The company executive replied and assured that they are launching a new app that supports OnePlus 3 and above. They also added that the new app would support other devices running Android 6.0 and above. We are not sure why, but as of now the OnePlus Buds only works on OnePlus 7 and above. Perhaps it has something to do with OxygenOS. Once the app is available, OnePlus Buds users will be able to use the double-tap feature on any Android phone. In other words, the OnePlus Buds experience will likely remain the same across all devices. That being said, there is no word on when the updated OnePlus Buds app will be launched. A quick recap, the OnePlus buds supports SBC and AAC Audio codecs via Bluetooth 5.0. The earbuds have capacitive touch sensors, and double-taps gestures can be customized. The company claims that the earbuds last up to 7 hours on a single charge and the case extends them up to 30 hours. The case has a USB Type-C port, and a 10-minute charge offers up to 10 hours of battery life.