After creating quite a hype around their product — the One — OnePlus has fallen flat on their faces in getting the actual device to consumers. The handset was unveiled back in late April but more than a month later, the chances of getting your hands on a OnePlus One is as good as winning a lottery. Right now, the only way to get your hands on the OnePlus One is via an invite but the whole system is in a complete mess. In a bid to clarify matters, OnePlus has revealed its rollout plans and when users can simply pre-order their device without an invite.
According to the company, during the initial period following the device launch, they need to “ensure consistency in product and service quality”, make sure that the product performs well, fix any issues and even prepare their customer service and logistics for the upcoming demand. For this reason, the company would be selling the handset via an invite like it is now. During the “stable period”, which is when the business operations of the company are on track to handle the demand and it is able to provide an estimated shipping time, it would launch a pre-order system along with the usual invites where users can order the handset instantly. Users who pre-order the device will be required to pay the full purchase price of the device in advance after which they will receive an estimated timeframe as to when their device will ship. Before their order is processed though, users can cancel their pre-order for a full refund if they feel like. The pre-order system is expected to go live sometime in Q3. If you are thinking of this as an additional delay, you are “incorrect” since according to OnePlus nothing has changed on the production front “and a lot of people will be receiving their phones this month”. When the OnePlus One was initially released, I was pretty eager to get my hands on it. However, thanks to all the unnecessary hype and delays, I ended up getting the Xperia Z2 and I am glad I made the jump. What about you? Are you still waiting to order a OnePlus One or have you gone ahead and got yourself another Android device? Drop in a comment and do let us know!