Series of leaks and rumor mills have already revealed quite a bit about the OnePlus upcoming flagship. Today the company has confirmed OnePlus 9 will be launched globally on March 23. Furthermore, the company has also revealed it is partnering with Hasselblad. The Hasselblad partnership doesnt come as a surprise, as it was already rumored earlier. OnePlus had added that it is entering a long-term partnership with Hasselblad. The company has also teased the design of the phone with a rectangular camera module. OnePlus has entered three years of partnership with Hasselblad and is expected to spend more than 150 million for developing new features. Both the companies will start working on Natural Color Calibration for natural color reproduction. The OnePlus 9 is also expected to come with a Hasselblad Pro Mode. This will offer natural colors and help in post-production. In other words, professional photographers will be able to edit their pictures better and have access to a wide range of ISO, focus, exposure, white balance, and other essentials. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau said, “OnePlus has always prioritized a premium user experience over everything else. Beginning in 2021, we are making a concerted effort to significantly improve the smartphone camera experience for our users, with the expertise of a truly legendary partner in Hasselblad.”
OnePlus 9 Rumored Features and Specifications
OnePlus 9 series will consist of the OnePlus 9, OnePlus 9 Pro, and OnePlus 9E. The OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro would be powered by Snapdragon 888 paired with 12GB of RAM. Other features include 65W fast charging, FHD+ display with 120Hz refresh rate, and a quad Hasselblad branded rear camera.