Earlier this month, OnePlus unveiled a special edition OnePlus 3T colette edition, which featured a blacked-out color variant. There were only 250 units available at the time, which OnePlus sold through the colette location in Paris, France, this month. But, obviously the new color variant garnered plenty of attention, so OnePlus has decided to open up sales — just a little bit, though. The company has confirmed, thanks to a partnership with Hypebeast, that there will be a new Midnight Black variant of the OnePlus 3T going up for sale on Friday, March 24, beginning at 4:00 PM GMT at https://hbx.com. When the 250 units are sold out, they’ll be sold out.
However, OnePlus also confirmed that sales for the Midnight Black variant will extend into North America and Europe through the OnePlus online store at a “later date.” The Midnight Black variant has 128GB of built-in storage and 6GB of RAM, and it will retail for “USD 479 / EUR 479 / GBP 439.”