OnePlus has been unveiling their upcoming flagship killer — the OnePlus 2 — piece by piece over the last few weeks. The specs that has already been revealed by the company along with rumors suggest that the OnePlus 2 will feature some impressive specs along with a premium build quality. This led many to speculate that the handset will be significantly costlier than its predecessor, the OnePlus One which was initially sold for only $349 with 64GB storage space. Pete Lau, OnePlus CEO, today has squashed such rumors though by promising that the OnePlus 2 will be priced under $US450.
— OnePlus (@oneplus) July 6, 2015 Don’t get your hopes up about the OnePlus 2 costing less than 400$ though. It is likely that OnePlus will sell the 64GB variant of the 2 for $499.99, while the 16GB version will be sold for $399.99. Nonetheless, for a device that is already confirmed to arrive with a Snapdragon 810 processor and a fingerprint scanner though, a price tag of under US$450 definitely sounds impressive. Will you be buying the OnePlus 2 this year?