It was only late last week that OnePlus announced their invite reservation list for the OnePlus 2. Now, 72 hours after the phone was unveiled, more than a million interested customers have signed up for in the invite reservation list. The OnePlus 2 might be getting a lot of negative feedback from the community for the lack of NFC and its much hated invite system, but there is little denying the fact that a lot of people are interested in it. Considering that the OnePlus managed to sell around 1.5 million units of the One in its lifetime, the interest shown in its successor is truly commendable. For its price of $399, the OnePlus 2 packs in some seriously impressive hardware. This includes a 5.5-inch 1080p Full HD display, a Snapdragon 810 processor, 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, 64GB of storage space, a fingerprint scanner, a USB Type C port, and a 3300mAh battery. The handset is scheduled to go on sale on August 11 across a bunch of countries.