The alleged illegal activity was done by ignoring the default privacy settings on the British iPhone between June 2011 and February 2012, according to a statement released on Thursday by the group. The algorithms of the tech giant Google allowed the company to “cheat” the tech giant Apple’s smartphones, of course, I am talking about the iPhones, so that these will release personal data from the Safari browser, explained the platform. With this lawsuit, “Google You Owe Us” they want a total of approximately 5.4 million people in the United Kingdom to be compensated by the US company, the tech giant Google, which has been accused of an alleged violation of the British law on data protection by the collective. The platform is headed by Richard Lloyd, former executive director of the British consumer association, who has ensured that the actions of the US company were “simply against the law” and have affected “millions” of people. With this action, this platform aims to send a “strong message” to the tech giant Google and other “technological giants in Silicon Valley” that society “is not afraid” to defend itself if its laws “break”. Lloyd has said he intends to “extend the world” this claim, since the tech giant Google owes “justice, trust and money” to those affected. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.